Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hey Girl!

I've been listening to Hey Girl! for a while now, but my interest was sort of resparked when I read last summer's issue of Give Me Back last week- Katy Otto (who runs Exotic Fever and has played in bands like Del Cielo) sent us the summer & winter 2007 zines along with some EF records a few weeks ago (she helps put out GMB). The new issue should be coming out soon.

Back to Hey Girl! though... Hailing from San Francisco, Rashida, Rosie, & Naomi play dirty girl-punk. In their interview in GMB, they said they started a band because they decided Minor Section (a girl gang at SF punk shows) had to have a band... I wish we had that here-- a solid girl gang at shows & more girl-bands.

They put out their Spill Your Guts LP last May on Thrillhouse Records. Ten songs in under fourteen minutes. And one is a cover of "Always Be My Baby."

Listen to this and check out Give Me Back! Talk about gender & punk rock!

Hey Girl!- Spill Your Guts
Buy it from Thrillhouse

Apparently, we're just one degree apart as Rosie went to high school with Seph.

1 comment:

raul_dook said...

thanks for this.
i picked it up in SF over the weekend and you seem to be the only soul that has a digital copy.